
day after tomorrow みたい。

なんで桶屋が儲かったんか、よく知らんが(知ってたらジュゲムみたいなもんで、マメ知識なんだろう)、なにしろ今日はハリケーンカトリーナが吹いて、どうやら油屋(が使う桶=バレル?)が儲かってんのかな。気分はグルーヴィなグローバルエコノミー。それでは、ここら辺で一曲お送りしましょう。バンコク在住のペンネーム、ケンジマンさんからのリクエスト。SLY&THE FAMILY STONEで「Everyday People」!

Sometimes I'm right and I can't be wrong
My own beliefs are in my song

The Preacher, the backer, the drummer and then
Makes no difference what group I'm in
I am everyday people, yeah yeah

There is a blue one
Who can't accept the green one
For living with the fat one
who's trying to be a skinny one
Different strokes, for different folks
And so on, and so on
And Skooby-dooby do on
Oooh, sha, sha
Oooh, sha, sha
We got to live together

I am no better and neither are you
We are the same, whatever we do
You love me, you hate me, you know me and then
You can't figure out the bag I'm in

I am everyday people yeah, yeah

(Fading out to commercial break,,,,,)